Month: August 2021

SANKOFA – The Importance Of Learning From Your Past

SANKOFA – The Importance Of Learning From Your Past

Like being hit over the head, the importance of learning from your past has come to me from several directions. With the death of the last elder on my father’s side of my family, I’m wishing for conversations we didn’t have, revering the ones we did. As a therapist, I’m helping people learn the lessons […]

Integrating What You Learn

Integrating What You Learn

Integrating what you learn is a challenging and important part of any new experience. Having returned from my third trip to Ghana, I am still processing and wanting to honor my insights and new awareness. It’s interesting traveling to Ghana – it is like stepping into another world. Their customs and traditions are different, their […]



Your focus on any subject is like a filter that determines how you see and react. This has become clearer to me after our Trip to Ghana. I was intent on learning about the Ewe people we were visiting and to understand it from a lens of the Laws of the Universe, which they live […]