How To Develop and Effectively Use Your Intuition


How To Develop and Effectively Use Your Intuition

Using your intuition effectively is often what separates those who are successful and those who stay locked in place. I have been hearing people speak of the lost moments when they didn’t pay attention to their gut. It’s sent me down a path to more clearly illuminate what is involved in using your intuition.

As I cleared out my papers from my long career in mental health, I’ve had my own awareness’s of the moments when I could have turned in a different direction. It was my intuition that kept me on track.

Here are some ways you can develop and effectively use your intuition. See how they work for you.


Decision making in our culture is often seen as a linear process that focuses on the mind’s ability to shift through details. We consider options, gather data and make decisions that make the most sense in the short or long run. We may factor in feelings, especially fear in this process.  But there’s something important missing.

Our mind and body often create what I call an “unholy alliance” that uses fear as a blockade to risk. This is the ego’s way of protecting us from failure. We get confused and think it’s our gut/intuition telling us something is wrong. But it’s not always true. It can be fear based on past experiences. To really use our intuition, we have to go beyond this mind/body dyad.


I often write and talk about the “big picture” perspective – this is the soul’s knowing that rises above the mind/body dyad. Think of a triangle – the Soul is at the tip above the bottom line that represents the Mind and Body at either end. It is here that we can access our unconscious and intuitive knowing and process the more subtle body reactions.

When you rise above a situation and ask yourself questions about what serves your greater good and purpose, you see yourself beyond your ego’s mind/ body perspective. You see yourself operating within the interconnected energetic field of all possibility. You see your greater potential. Ideas become bigger, fear doesn’t exist and you quickly see all options, their outcome and what serves you best. It’s an exhilarating and very different way of operating. Your body will give you positive reactions too in the form of chills and lifts in energy that confirm this intuitive knowing.


It takes practice to develop this bigger soul perspective that allows your wisdom and intuitive knowing to flow in freely. It means slowing down and connecting to the wide range of energetic information that exists all around us. When you open yourself to allow information to come from different directions – not just the mind, you are opening yourself to the fullness of our universe.

Meditation is the most important way to develop this channel of information. Sit quietly and increase the time incrementally so it becomes a productive time of exploration where you ask questions. Learn about your chakras, how to connect to your guides, and use oracle cards, or less woowoo, pay attention to your first impressions,  dreams and test your hunches. At a minimum, connect to nature and notice your interconnected relationship to everything around you. Try repetitive activities that allow your mind to go blank, like gardening, walking a labyrinth, playing music, walking, or drawing. Change up your routine, notice the subtly of feelings and what it says to you. Open and allow all this wisdom to flow in.


Soul/ intuition knowing comes to you differently than linear ego-based information. In all questions and decisions, let your mind focus on with what serves your greatest good, for it will serve everyone’s greater good. Notice your body’s physical reactions of calm, chills, and deep satisfaction, for it’s the peaceful reactions that tell you you’re in the right place, with the right people, doing the right thing. Keep track of your ah-ha moments and ideas – they are your launch pad. It’s not about getting ahead, it’s about something bigger and more satisfying.

When making changes, notice the role of fear and ask yourself if it’s a form of protection, based on past experiences, or really a warning sign. Check back in with your soul and sense of purpose. Notice when things come together easily – serendipity is a positive sign of being energetically connected. You’re moving out of the realm where success is materially defined and into the interconnected non-hierarchical one where anything is possible!

Once you start down the path of using your intuition, there’s no turning back. You’ll be using your soul wisdom, not just the limiting ego-based mind/body information. You’ll be open to your fuller wisdom from your soul to see the interconnections to everything. You’ll spend more time intentionally developing this side of yourself. And you’lll be able to quickly discern when you are operating from a place of ego vs intuitive soul-based wisdom. Liberate yourself from the limiting fear based, ego-centric way of operating – trust your intuition!

Would you like help learning to use your intuition? It’s a cathartic journey that allows you to live more authentically. Reach out, my Transformation Coaching and Therapy will take you there. Go to and use my Free Consultation link to reach me. I’d love to hear from you.

Photo of Labyrinth at Kantara, Costa Rica





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