
How To Thrive In A Rapidly Changing World

There’s an invitation to reflect on our “Rapidly Changing World “, sent out by Alan Seale to his Transformational Coaching and Leadership global community.* What does this mean to you, he asked? It’s the kind of question we love to explore.

When I was facing the need to overhaul my life over ten years ago, I realized I needed a new template for looking at myself and my life. It was a few years later that I discovered Alan’s books and then had the awakening that being trained as a Transformational Life Coach would align me to what I knew to be my truth. It was the opening for a sequence of changes that have allowed me to thrive with more joy than I knew possible.

As Alan launches his new book, Transformational Presence: How To Make a Difference In a Rapidly Changing World,**  I think it’s appropriate to acknowledge the impact his work has had on my life. What did I learn from Alan and how can it help you thrive in a “Rapidly Changing World’? Let me review some of the concepts that I think make it possible.


One of the key concept in Transformational Presence is to “Flow With rather than Push Against”. As one who’s had a life-time of experience pushing upstream, working against difficult odds, it was a stunning revelation that I was working within a resistance paradigm. My own resistance was keeping me locked in situations I didn’t like.

To flow with means that you look at the direction of change, accept it, and understand what it means to you. Once I accepted this concept, I could rapidly move out of my own stuck places and get into the flow of a new direction.

Ask yourself, what direction is change flowing in my life and how can I join it?


Your soul knows your truth and only sees your unlimited potential. Your soul perspective can be different from what’s happening on the surface of your life, where we are often being driven by ego. In Transformational Presence Coaching and Leadership, we are taught that our soul represents our mission and purpose in life and the ego is the arms and legs to fulfill it. Both need to be strong and aligned with one another.

When I explored my soul’s vision of my life through meditation, it spurred me to align my internal thoughts with how I put them in action in the world. It was the catalyst for sweeping and very satisfying change.

In our rapidly changing world, creating this alignment between soul and ego, with the soul’s perspective leading the way, buoys us to rise above the chaos and confusion most people experience. It is how we see the bigger picture.

The soul’s perspective allows you to actualize Michelle Obama’s quote “When they go low, we go high”.


The work of Transformational Coaching and Leadership focuses on the fact that we are all energetic beings. There is an energetic exchange between us and everything else. This corresponding relationship creates a reciprocal energetic dialog between the sender and the receiver, moving outward.

The more aware we are of our intentions, purpose and mission the more we can make clear and deliberate decisions about where we put our attention, who we are with and what we do. Every situation has its own energetic signature, so much so that when we tune into them decisions can be tailored made to meet our greater good. This tenant was another catalyst that prompted many changes, allowing me to be more conscientious about the work I do and who I choose to work with.

Everything you do makes an energetic impact – be clear on the result you seek.


In a quote from his new book Alan Seale writes, “The most important question for the future is not, “What will we create?” but rather, “Who do we wish to become?” It reminds us that we are here for a purpose, we are bigger than we think. It’s an invitation to embrace diversity and complexity, knowing that this feeds and expands us.

In Transformational Coaching, the call is to look for everyone’s greatest potential. Finding the soul perspective that tells us we can be greater than we think possible is powerful and exhilarating. It reduces the fear of stepping into uncharted territory; it allows us to recognize that we all can have a role in, as Alan says, “Creating A World That Works”.  It’s how we thrive in these turbulent times.

Stepping up to be the best we can allows us to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

While the world has become increasingly fast paced, complex, and diverse, the tenants of Transformational Presence give us the tools to thrive in this environment. It means learning to follow the flow of change without resistance, allowing your soul to lead your way, aligning yourself with the energy of your greater good and stepping into your full potential. All these lessons can be found on his website and in his new book,Transformational Presence: How To Make a Difference In a Rapidly Changing World, which he’s offering as a free digital download for a limited time! See the resources below.

I extend my gratitude to Alan for his training and coaching that have helped me launch my counseling and transformational coaching work around these principles! For more information on how I’m doing that, I welcome you to see my website www.spectrumtransformation.com. #transformationalpresence, #Createaworldthatworks, @centerfortransformationalpresence

*For more information on Alan Seale and The Center For Transformational Presence go to: http://transformationalpresence.org/

**For a free digital download of Alan Seale’s book up until November 30th go to: http://transformationalpresencebook.com/ 




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