Creating Change at the Heart Level

Through Transformational Coaching, Therapy, Training, and Consulting

What I Offer

Healthy Pathways to Positive Change

I provide services that address issues at their root. If you want to move through personal or professional dissatisfaction, confusion or transition, I can help you step into a place that is more soul satisfying, abundant and true to your nature. No matter what the reason, Transformational Coaching, Therapy and my workshops give you the tools to create new pathways that help you find that better place.

You can create dynamic and life altering transformation that will:

– Get you through a difficult transition
– Identify what needs to change
– Define greater purpose and meaning in your life
– Explore, identify and take steps to improve your professional or personal life
– Generate more heart felt interaction and communication in your relationships
– Give you a more soul satisfying life

This is done individually, (face to face, Zoom or phone), with couples, in workshops, in ongoing exploratory classes, and in training. Consultation and training is also provided to communities and states seeking greater social justice and reform.

Connie has helped me create my own value system. I am no longer stuck living someone else’s expectations of me and I can be fully present in my own experiences.



How Can I Help You?

The Services I Provide

My work is potential based; What direction does the change need and want to flow and what personal and professional enhancements are needed to get you there? My work is based on 30 years’ experience and the training and study I’ve done which has shifted my orientation from psychotherapy and problem-solving interventions to Transformational Life Coaching, training and consultation. Join me in this exciting work of creating your personal transformation process!

FREE CONSULTATION is offered to help you decide if this service meets your needs and how we could work together. Fill out this form to schedule a telephone appointment.

Transformational Coaching & Therapy

My Transformational Coaching and Therapy encourages you to find and utilize your gifts and strengths to achieve your greatest good. It’s designed to create positive personal manifestation. It assumes life is meant to be abundant.

Workshops & Training

I love conducting workshops. They have always been an integral part of my work. I think a learning experience is more personally powerful and expansive when we are exposed to each other’s learning process – it helps us stretch and grow too. 

Consulting & Community Involvement

I have a long commitment and many years of expertise providing service around social justice issues, suicide prevention and trauma training.

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as seen in

bluegrass reentry council
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national association of social workers
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kscsw kentucky
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International Coaching Federation
ky suicide prevention group