Reach new Heights

Consulting and Community Engagement

Background to my work

I have a long commitment and many years of expertise providing service around social justice issues, suicide prevention and trauma training. I continue this work with agencies that are providing consultation and training around the diversion of people with mental illness from corrections, reduction of trauma and suicide prevention. I work with the following agencies and welcome opportunities to explore this further. 

court room consultantcy

Fayette County Mental Health Court - NAMI

As a clinical consultant for the Fayette County Mental Health Court, I provide staffing assistance with assessment and treatment planning. group sessions and attend the Mental Health Diversion Court sessions  This specialty court offers people treatment and services rather than locking them in jail or prison. The structure and support of this program is creating significant and positive change in peoples’ 

Crimal Justice Policy

Policy Research and Associates – The National SAMSHA GAINS Center

As a Senior Consultant for the SAMSHA GAINS Center, I provide training and consultation to assist communities and states in identifying ways to decrease and divert the incarceration of people with mental illness. In addition, there is a national goal to make communities more “Trauma Informed” so people are not re-traumatized when they are in crisis. The following training programs are offered.

System Collaboration and Strategic Planning around Sequential Intercept Mapping helps communities and governments explore new ways to divert people from corrections.

Trauma Informed Care training and Strategic Planning identifies how people are traumatized and explores solutions to stop re-traumatization.

medical tools

BioMedical Development Corporation

Biomedical Development Corporation has developed and is testing a product to help people with bipolar disorder manage and stabilize their symptoms. This tool promises to be very helpful to people who have a history of incarceration as a consequence of their symptoms. As a consultant and liaison to mental health and correction organizations, I hope to increase the use of tools like this to reduce the incidence of incarceration.

corporate wellness

Business and Management Consulting:

I am a seasoned manager with over 25 years directing programs at the executive level. As the Director of Growth Resources, Employee Assistance Program for 15 years, I have extensive knowledge about how companies and agencies can keep employees happy with reduced turnover and negative incidence. As an Executive Director of local and regional programs at, I learned the art of giving direction while simultaneously encouraging people to identify and utilize their strengths. I welcome consultation around these issues.

Connie and I gave birth to one of the Nation's most innovative and successful jail suicide prevention programs.
Under Connie’s leadership and management skills, she turned the Kentucky Mental Health Crisis Network from a dream into a reality. Hundreds of inmates “live today” as a result of Connie Milligan’s dedication and leadership abilities.
Ray Sabbatine, MA, Former Lexington KY Jailer and National Corrections Consultant

as seen in

bluegrass reentry council
Center for Transformational Presence
national association of social workers
nami lexington
kscsw kentucky
chfs award
International Coaching Federation
ky suicide prevention group

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