ALIGNMENT – Creating Glow From The Inside Out


ALIGNMENT – Creating Glow From The Inside Out

Alignment came to mind when I saw the glow of the ice on each tree branch sparkling like diamonds in the sun. There is no way my camera could catch the brilliance or wonder. It resonated with what I’m writing about in my book on The Abundant Life (working title, so far).  We create our own glow and brilliance when we are in alignment.

This is so important, it bares repeating. I use it in therapy, my own life and writing about it only reinforces its significance. I’m talking about Mind, Body, Soul alignment. When you bring your soul purpose and wisdom in line with your thoughts and plans for yourself and find congruence with the resulting positive feelings–you will positively glow.

Here’s what’s important about this concept. See what you think.


In our western culture, the soul has not had a visible role. We are more accustomed to evaluating things from the mental and physical plane. Speed, action, and results have been prioritized over personal meaning and the value of our outcomes.

For alignment to happen meaningfully, it requires acknowledging the importance of our soul’s role. When that is done up front, all the other decisions and actions fall in place. The soul is our energetic light guiding our process, determining whether what we are doing is a match to our greatest good. Our sense of purpose and our mission in life all come from our soul.  We are all souls first, having a physical experience.

The hallmark of the soul is embodied in the Law of Correspondence – “as above, so below; as below, so above”. This means when we are synchronized with our greatest good as a soul, what we actually do on the mental and physical plan will also be aligned with our greatest good. They are a continual feedback loop.     


Anything new you want to bring into your life starts with an idea. The idea could be initiated on the heels of what you don’t like or it could be fresh inspiration. Where do you think the awareness of what you don’t like and the inspiration comes from? Yes – the soul.

Your thoughts, according to the Law of Mentalism, are always the catalyst for what you initiate, each idea having its own energetic signature.  When you’re in an unsatisfactory situation, you often have a sequence of thoughts that inform you. And most often, it’s because your soul isn’t satisfied. Something is missing, you could be doing something more, or you deserve better. The soul’s advising your thoughts. Everything in our world starts out as a mental exercise – how it transpires, good or bad, has a lot to do with the soul’s response.


Your body is the energetic work horse to make your ideas reality. You have an idea you want to bring it into reality, you have to get busy to make it happen. But energetically, your body responds to the Law of Vibration. It knows whether what you are doing is an energetic match to who you are – or not.

If your soul likes what you are doing, you are going to physically feel great. You are on a roll, you’re active, energetic and moving forward. You suddenly have more motivation and enthusiasm, and you feel good about your life. How that energetic experience feels in your body and is interpreted by your soul often tells of its success.  The more it excites and gives you an energetic lift – body response – the more likely it will happen.

When your ideas or plans are not a good fit, your body will respond in kind. You’ll have stress symptoms –headaches, stomach aches, back aches, anxiety, a sense of dread, ongoing illnesses or depression. Your body knows. Where do you think your body is taking its cues from? Yes, it’s the soul.

If you had this experience, when you are on the right path in life, then you know, people notice and comment, you glow. Mind, Body, Soul alignment works from the inside out. Your soul is out front leading you something important to you, your mind is full of ideas, in agreement and your body feels good, physically and emotionally. It is the preferred way to live. Stay tuned as I talk more about this in my book!

If you’d like support to create Mind, Body Soul alignment, reach out. My Transformational Coaching and Therapy can take you there. Go to and use my Free Consultation link to reach me or DM me. I’d love to help.





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