Have you been on a roller coaster of disbelief, depression and outrage, wondering what’s next? What do you do with the impossible election outcomes if you’re a progressive thinker interested in change and the greater good? My family and friends in Europe and Africa are flabbergasted. America as a leader in the world is now […]
Never Have The Stakes Been So High – Vote
Never have the stakes been so high in an election – so divisive, so black and white, so potentially life altering. Please vote, though when you read this, you may either be voting or already have voted. Thank you. While I usually question the appropriateness of taking a political stand, I realize everything I stand […]
To Be Successful – Make Connections And Be Real
After a business trip to England, I was reminded of the importance of making connections and being real. It became the focal point of our experience. With business transactions moving online, many with endless telephone message loops, it’s become essential to make personal contact wherever you can. The business aspect of our trip was to […]
The Big Picture Perspective
The “Big Picture Perspective” is one of my favorite therapeutic techniques, useful in a myriad of situations. I’m traveling to England (to attend WOMEX, World Music Exp) so views from the plane have prompted me to think and write about this. Utilizing the big picture perspective is like looking down on the sequence of events […]
Raise Your Energy – To Balance The Battle Between Scarcity & Fear And Abundance & Love
Why do you need to raise your energy? It’s necessary to create balance in the battle between the mind sets of Abundance & Love VS. Scarcity & Fear. We are inundated with negativity – from our dreadful politics, news channels capitalizing on it, to weather reports beating the drum of fear. The negative energy is […]
The Peaceful Side
We had a short family vacation in the Smokies, and it wasn’t until we arrived that I learned that we were on “the peaceful side” of the mountains. I was very thankful, being stunned to see how much the area has changed, not having been there in over 20 years. It seems that seeking […]
There Is Good In Everyone – Be Kind
It’s a wonderful Dolly Parton quote, “Find the good in everybody”, now being featured on billboards across the country with the tagline Kindness”. I saw it in an airport, and It stopped me in my tracks. What a wonderful thing to promote – Yes, let’s do this! I have attended several of four funerals for […]
Honoring Your Roots
Your roots are where you were raised, its cultural influences and the impact it’s made on your life. We all have them, whether you feel like honoring them or not, and they have a lasting impact on shaping who you are today. Lee played a gig in his hometown for their Heritage Day. He was […]
Look At The Impact Of Your Judgement
The impact of negative judgment spewed during the Presidential debate has been making the news. There’s a reason for this – what we think and say has a direct impact, large and small. From crazy comments about Haitians eating pets, to false claim about Venezuelans gangs taking hostages, the results are outrage, bomb threats, school […]
How The Big Picture Perspective Guides You To Your Own Wisdom
The big picture perspective often guides me to my own wisdom as I deal with difficult issues. I’ve turned to it time and again to find wisdom dealing with client issues, in my consultation and in my personal life. It provides a clear path through complexity. Here’s how: IT PUTS SITUATIONS IN CONTEXT I liken […]