One of the greatest gifts of my lifestyle is stillness – I have realized it is the ultimate teacher. After coming out of weeks of being intensely busy with many irons in the fire and lots of stress, I couldn’t wait for the weekend and stillness. I’ve been working on a grant, organizing and attending […]
Even Superheros Take Off Their Cape
At a friend’s funeral, it was noted that Art was a superhero, and in the end even he had to take off his cape.* There were chuckles because, yes it was true, he was like a larger than life action figure. And there was a collective sigh, knowing he too was a regular guy who, […]
What Does A Purpose Filled Life Give You?
Why is there so much focus on living life with purpose? What does a purpose filled life give you that makes it so important? I’ve been around many purpose filled people lately and love recognizing what makes them different. Let me share what I’ve noticed. In the last week, I attended a workshop by Buddhists […]
Are You Attracting Things You Don’t Want?
Everyone has heard like attracts like, but what if you are attracting things you don’t want? Despite it sounding so easy, there is a lot of subtlety to making the Law of Attraction work. I’ve had interesting conversations about this over the last week. In talking with people at home and while traveling, I heard […]
What Happens When You Feed Your Heart and Soul?
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been shown what happens when you feed your heart and soul. If you are like me, you stay busy and put a lot of energy into everything you do. How do you fill yourself back up and what happens when you do? Several weeks ago, I attended a […]
How To Bloom (and Manifest) Where You Are
I am gearing up for my Manifestation Master Class and realized it is a course on how to bloom where you are. When we feel stuck, overwhelmed or uncertain starting out on a new path, it can be hard to find the confidence to make a change. I say it’s the perfect time to dig […]
How To Re-calibrate Your Life Path
For five days, I was in Costa Rica at a Transformational Presence Leadership and Coaching Gathering. If there is anything that can inspire you to re-calibrate your life path, an experience in that beautiful country surely will. Most of all, being in a lovely setting, with wonderful people, while asking yourself the hard questions about […]
The Power Of A Different Perspective
Here’s how the power of a different perspective helped me. Several weather-related mishaps stranded me in the ATL airport for 8 hours waiting for a flight to San Jose, Costa Rica . “Oh no”, some would say, but honestly, it was fine. I ran into friends in the same dilemma, I caught up on work […]
Where You Put Your Attention + Time = Where You Get Results
I had an epiphany while feeling scattered and pulled in many directions. I realized that where I put my attention and time is where I get results. That may seem obvious, but I expect most of you, like me, don’t always notice the impact of juggling several balls. It’s only when they start to drop […]
What Happens To Your Inspiration?
Having just returned from a big concert Lee co-produced in Nashville, it’s on my mind – what happens to your inspiration? I’ve watched him take a simple concept of playing the music of 1971 from an idea to a full-scale production that’s been performed to sold out crowds 4 times in 2 cities. There is […]