I had tree guys come and clear out a tangle of trees and dead wood. Being a serious tree lover, it seemed all wrong to take out so many. But now, it is wonderful to see a clear sky and the morning light streaming in from the east. With this new light, there is suddenly […]
When Healthy Patterns Become Unhealthy – What does it mean?
I am fascinated by this subject. I think the patterns of our behavior tell a lot about our life lessons. Many patterns start out as wonderful expressions of our gifts that make important contributions to society. When they’re overused, they can develop into repetitive behaviors that are unhealthy. Has the pattern become a way of […]
I was about to meditate when I noticed three birds circling my back yard. They were swirling in circles while also moving forward, one being in front until another did a loop and surged forward. All three of them took turns being in the lead. It was a graceful, un-choreographed midair dance. I realized watching […]
This last week we celebrated the birthdays of my husband, son and step son. Birthdays are always a good time to reflect on the where you’ve been and where you are going. While the three of them are in different stages of life, from launching to refining a legacy, the intent is the same: to […]
IN EXTREME TIMES – STEP UP – Lessons from David Bowie
The new year has had auspicious beginnings. Extremes are being played out all around us. The unprecedented number of deaths of famous people have given us reviews of their extraordinary lives. David Bowie, being the one who has my attention. The presidential debates have pitted fear mongering, aimed at the lowest common denominator, on one […]
In Silence… We Notice
What Three Days of Silence Revealed
It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for years. I finally made it happen last week. I went on a silent retreat for three days. I wanted to have the experience of total silence: no family or friends, agenda, structure, electronics, or distractions, just full immersion into a space we seldom encounter. With many options, the Abbey […]
SPREAD YOUR WINGS – Give Your Dreams Flight in 2016
EXPLORE YOUR DREAMS and the tools to make them your reality in this 4 week class …It will change your life! BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN 2016! Get beyond dieting and exercise – make this the year you create life altering internal change! EMBRACE YOUR FULL POTENTIAL How do you want your […]
I walked home from a neighbor’s New Year’s Eve party to find my front door wide open. The shutters on the door were torn off the hinges, laying like a ramp across the steps. I looked in the door and the entire staircase hand railing, baluster, and newels had been ripped up and were strewn […]
Last January, I taught a class entitled “Spread Your Wings – Create Your Dreams in 2015”. After the 4-week class ended, the group wanted to continue to meet and has ever since. Each month, I presented another deep dive on other aspects of creating and manifesting change. Last week was our last class and we […]