Connie Milligan, LCSW

If there is anything I’ve expressed that speaks to you, I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me at my email, connie [at] conniemilligan [dot] com

“STARTING OVER” – Re-launch Your Life In Any Area!

“STARTING OVER” – Re-launch Your Life In Any Area!

Do you want to “START OVER” in some aspect of your life? Now is a perfect time to let what is no longer working fall away so you can bring in something new! Looking for a relationship or career change, or simply to launch yourself in a new way? This two part series offers you […]



I was in Santa Fe last week training and consulting, staying the weekend to take in the majesty of the area. While there, I also thought about my upcoming training on understanding how our thoughts become energy, which either bring things we want into fruition or not. What makes some people so good at this while […]

5 Easy Steps to Making Positive Intentions Work

5 Easy Steps to Making Positive Intentions Work

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]veryone has heard of the book, The Power of Positive Thinking – right? It’s the classic by Norman Vincent Peale, published in 1952, that generated a new wave of thought in psychology and management. From it we learned that positive thoughts are more likely to generate positive results. Since then countless books and studies have […]

Rituals to Honor Life and Death

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s been a strangely profound week. Two friends died within days of each other while we also celebrated several birthdays, one of them my own. My birthday plans took me to New Orleans, a city known for finding ways to celebrate everything. While I had thoughts on this before I left – how do you […]