CLEAR AND RELAUNCH – Make Your Life What You Want


CLEAR AND RELAUNCH – Make Your Life What You Want

Would you like to relaunch your life for the better? Whether it’s personal or professional changes you seek, it takes some deliberate thought and planning. My workshop Clear and Relaunch on Oct 23-24 is designed to take you there through a wonderful process that can improve your life. (Clear and Relaunch 2021)

Over the last few weeks, I’ve written about the “Clearing Out” process. Now let me review what’s involved in the “Relaunch”. There is intent in all of this that will ensure your new direction is a good fit. Having done this myself, I can attest it works.  

Make your change positive, make it resonate with your truth and align with a vision of yourself at your full potential! See if this helps.


It’s always easier to make a change when you feel confident and encouraged. But getting there is half the problem. That’s why it works best to start by looking at your strengths.

Your soul sees your positive qualities and supports your alignment with your greater good. It’s our ego that insists on judging and criticizing our every move. That may seem too simple, but trust me, when you switch the lens to look at yourself from your soul’s perspective, any change you seek becomes easier. By putting the soul in charge, your ego is guided to focus on  your assets. This is how a successful relaunch gets started.


What ever you don’t like is often a helpful motivator for what you seek.  It’s the contrast, the opposite end of the polarity, that helps define the change you want to create.

When you can see, feel and mentally practice your change it begins to take form. This visioning process uses the law of attraction to effectively brings it in. You start by creating the visual image, adding the feelings you’d like to have and replaying it like you’re in a movie until it becomes your new normal. This process creates the excitement and energy of your relaunch that you can feel and step into so the shift is easier.


Once you have the vision of your change, you are energetically launching yourself to attract the right people, places, and things to match your desire. You are positioning yourself to be a reflection of what you want to attract. This is how the law of attraction and “like attracts like” works.

There are several things you can do to amply this change process. Using  gratitude for the change you seek keeps you positive. Believing that the change is coming keeps your shift in thinking and feeling intact. Then notice the subtle signs that the change you are seeking is in the process of coming to you.  Once you realize you are in the flow of your change process, you’ll notice the wonderful new thoughts, feelings and experiences.


Who can you count on? Bringing in something new is greatly helped by identifying your support. You get to choose – Get the right people on your team.

Co-creators are those who will support and enable the change you are seeking. It may mean friends, colleagues or it could be trainers or business partners. Keep the naysayers out of it. If it requires changing friendship patterns, allow that to organically unfold. You only want those who will champion your relaunch.


Launching action steps is where the rubber meets the road. But make sure your thoughts are fully on board. Fearful negating thoughts can block you – it’s the ego’s misguided way of protecting you.  Refocus on positive and excited expectations and you’ll be in a state of grace, where taking action is simple and easy

Your actions steps are like looking at a timeline. Do one thing at a time and the next step defines itself.  The more positive, clear and intentional you are, the more likely your action steps are easy, allowing your transformation to float in. When you can enjoy your transformation process, rather than pushing hard to make things happen, your actions are an easy part of the flow.

Ready to create something new and positive for yourself? I’m teaching what I know works having made both personal and professional changes myself. Whether it’s something external, like a job or relationship or internal, like changing a pattern of thought or reaction, this class will get you there. It’s based on the ancient wisdom traditions and energetic principles of change.

Register for Clear and Relaunch Oct 23-24 from 1-4:00 online here:  Clear and Relaunch 2021  Or call Centered at 869-721-1841. Space is limited and filling up fast! For more information or questions go to and use my Free Consultation link. I’d love to include you!





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