Learning how to follow your star – your own interests and talents – is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It’s a factor that differentiates the people who are happy with their life from those who are not. Since it’s become a focal point of the coaching/therapy work I do, I would like to share what I’ve learned.
I didn’t start out knowing to help people with this – it’s what people needed. When someone is not aligned with their own natural interests and gifts, which is the essence of their star, they tend to be depressed and anxious. It didn’t take long to discover that when they made changes to follow their own talents, their lives became more satisfying with meaning and purpose.
See if these factors on how to follow your star are true for you.
If you are an adult, you likely have figured out your gifts and talents. Right? If you aren’t sure, there is a wonderful test to determine your natural attributes and strengths – The High5 test *. Check it out. I’m always amazed at the number of people who may know this but ignore it. It’s like trying to fit a round peg in a square hole when you don’t honor your own god given gifts.
If you are service and people oriented yet spend your workday dealing with accounting, you’ll likely be unhappy. Or if you are creative and artistic but work as a computer programmer, you’ll end up anxious and depressed. It seems obvious, yet many people make career decisions based on finances and security and ignore their own nature.
By focusing on your natural interests and skills, you will at least get started in the right direction. Giving yourself the opportunity to grow those interests is what will get you ahead in life. Are you in a setting that encourages your growth, and more importantly do you encourage your own growth as well?
It is easy to become stagnant with anything you choose to do. if you don’t keep growing and learning new things, your lack of growth will make you complacent and your life energy will wane. If you aren’t aligned with something that is right for you, apathy, discouragement and depression are right around the corner.
By learning to follow your instincts toward what is interesting, challenging and exciting to you, you will keep yourself fresh and engaged in whatever field you are in. It is always fascinating to me how opportunity presents itself whenever you have a seeking mindset.
These serendipitous openings and offerings are ever present. Just turn on your computer to realize how it tracks your interests with ads curated just for you. Pay attention and let your interests show you how you can develop.
Most of us play small, not maximizing our full potential. If you really want to follow your star, realize that your gifts are greater than you fully realize. Stop and consider what that means, what does the fullness of your talents and gifts look like?
Pushing yourself to take the next big step may be easier than you think. Consider what is involved and fully explore your options. Tell that voice that says it’s too hard, too late or doesn’t matter to be quiet. Do it because it will enliven you and give your life new richness. Everyone benefits when you push yourself to be your best.
Learning to follow your star is important to giving your life meaning and purpose. It is simply a matter of honoring your gifts and talents, giving your skill set an opportunity to grow, letting instincts and serendipity lead you and pushing yourself to take the next big step. Where do you see yourself with this? Give yourself a shove to do more!
Does this speak to you? If you would like to explore how you can better meet your potential, reach out. My Transformational Coaching and Therapy is designed to help you align with your gifts. Go to www.spectrumtransformation.com and use my Free Consultation link to reach me. I’d love to hear from you.
Resource – The High5 test – https://high5test.com/