Make Love Your Greatest Gift and Priority


Make Love Your Greatest Gift and Priority

Are you aware what a gift your love is?  It is Valentine’s Day – my favorite day to honor the people I love. Lee and I celebrated doing what we love, cooking and sharing time with dear friends. With some reflection, I realized when you prioritize love in everything you do, it is the greatest gift you can give and receive.

We all know the importance of love, but if you expanded your idea of it to include your time and attention, it encompasses everything. See what prioritizing love can do for you.

Let me explain – see what you think.  


When you consider how you show up in life, notice where your priorities are focused. If they are on who and what you love, you will likely be happy, just as not having love in some aspect of your life make you unhappy. Think of love as a strong foundational building block.  

Love becomes a gift when you are congruent sharing it with people you love and taking actions you love. It creates internal and external alignment – a powerful underpinning for making your life exactly as you want.


Your attention is also the foundation for what you bring into your life. As the Law of Attraction helps us understand, your thoughts and focused attention are energetic. Are you being careful placing your attention on what you love – what you really want and intend?

If you treat your attention as a precious commodity that you use on things that have clear and important meaning to you, then everything you think and do become special. How much time are you wasting on meaningless things, like scrolling, mindlessly listening, and attending to whatever shows up. Yikes, I can relate, can you? Reconsider focusing you attention on who and what you love. Guarantee it will improve the meaning of your life!


I had a valentine phone call from my precious 102 year old mother to say “I love you, you are so special to me and I’d treasure a visit” Oh my yes, to give your time and attention to those you love is of paramount importance.

Our time is short. Pay attention to where you are putting your time. Is it with the people you love, the things you love, doing what you love? Do a little inventory and see where you can clear out the unimportant, unnecessary involvement in things that have little meaning to you. Connect the dots in your life and make sure the genuine love you have is directed toward what is important and meaningful.

Valentine’s day inspired this idea of love being a precious gift and priority in life – we have to make the most of our attention and time. I hope you can see if for yourself. When love is the foundation for who you are with and what you do, you are internally and externally congruent. When your attention is focused on what you love, you become and powerful force of manifestation. And when you use you time wisely to stay focused on what you love, you know your life has meaning.

How are you doing with this concept? If you’d like support to make your life more congruent around the concept of love, reach out. My Transformational Coaching and Therapy can help you reprioritize. Go to and use my Free Consultation link. I’d be happy to hear from you.





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