Seems like getting ready has become a constant state. As our world opens up, the process of getting ready for something has taken on more importance and is occupying a lot more space in my mind. Is this ok – is there something I should do about it?
I’m in a continuous process of getting ready these days. There is getting ready to entertain, for Lee’s upcoming concert, my presentations, our trip to Ghana, our non-profit event, a trip to see Mom. The details for each are endless and a little overwhelming.
The slower pace of last year puts this in stark contrast – it’s not so easy anymore! I realize I need more structure to manage it better. Here are 4 things that help me.
Everything we do has a beginning, middle and end. The imagining part at the beginning is essential for developing the big picture overview of what will happen. Once you have the outline or scaffolding of it in place, it becomes easier to attend to the details. I remind myself to return to the big picture and pace out the work to avoid overwhelm.
Everything we do has a purpose, clearly identify what it is. Find the simplicity of it to redirect your thoughts away from the worrisome details – like having fun and sharing love for the parties and seeing mom, making a statement with your work for us and our nonprofit , finding spiritual meaning in our trip to Ghana. This helps me anchor its importance. I can get buried in the details and this brings me back to the point.
The detail of planning is a mental activity that can create mind overload. Switching to the emotion of what you are doing helps keep the balance. The emotion of something is just as important. It creates the energy that drives the attraction. Ramp up your joy, anticipation, excitement, and love to amplify your events significance.
Now breath and stay grounded, reflect, and enjoy the process. Bringing myself back to the present, like looking at the horizon, keeps me calm, less stressed and reminds me of the gifts that this activity brings. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be together, to travel, to share – it can only be enjoyed in the moment.
Can you relate – try these strategies to help structure the getting ready aspects of all the things you are planning for yourself. Imagine and plan first, focus on the purpose, not the worry, find the positive feelings and stay grounded and present. It’s helping me.
Is this something you’d like to explore – reach out. My Transformational Coaching and Therapy can help structure what you are getting ready for. Go to and use my Free Consultation link. I’d love to hear from you.
Photo – The horizon at Standing Rock, ND