Women in leadership can make big impact, what that means locally was exciting to learn.
In honor of International Woman’s Day, I will highlight the exciting change a few of our local leaders are creating.
My friend Dr, Kinga Mnich, who started Ziva Voices* with the goal of amplifying woman’s stories worldwide, hosted a forum on International Woman’s Day featuring several local leaders. What they had to say was both profound and incredibly inspiring.
Here are some of the highlights:
ADINA TATUM has been the executive director of Julietta Market, a public market that has successfully hosted, highlighted and launched numerous small businesses. She is now consulting with other cities on how to launch similar models of entrepreneurship. Her guiding motto – “Take Up Space” includes: recognize your brilliance, speak your truth, use confidence as a superpower, surround yourself with support and keep shining bright.

LAMAR ZALA GRAN is a women’s right’s activist from Afghanistan. Her non-profit, Empower Afghan Women, has a goal to raise awareness about the desperate women’s rights issues in Afghanistan since the Taliban have taken away education and equity for women. Only 20 years old, she told harrowing stories of bravery as she escaped from the persecution to come to the USA. Now she is using her powerful voice and writing skills to advocate for equality for women worldwide.

KATHRYN KAUFMAN, an expert in national and international economic growth policy, works in both the private and public sector, impacting change everywhere she’s been. As the Managing Director in Overseas Private Investment Corporation, she founded and led 2X, a multi-billion-dollar women’s initiative. She told of initiating change with companies by asking 2 simple questions. What % of your workforce are women and what % are in leadership? Tie the answers to funding, and change happens quickly across the globe.

Impressive! Want to increase your impact – reach out!
For more background on our local leaders and information on Ziva Voices – go to https://zivavoices.com