You are more powerful than you think – your thoughts, your words can make a powerful difference when you curate them effectively.
As 50% of us swirl with varying degrees of disappointment, anger and fear, things will likely proceed in ways we dislike. What can you do?
It’s time to focus on curating your thoughts, words and intentions toward lifting things up and making a difference. Don’t put your head in the sand, move or duck from what is happening. That is seen as indifference. Elevate yourself and your beliefs.
Here are ways to curate your power:
The worst thing is keeping yourself suppressed with fearful thoughts and words of dismay. You are giving power to those things you dislike by being oppressed and stifled. Focus your thoughts on what you want instead, keeping those thoughts clear and strong. Let Martin Luther King be an example of how you can do this. Create your mountaintop vision of what change can look like.
Every day there’s an opportunity to express your thoughts through words of agreement and disagreement. Look for the chances – on social media, with friends, and at work and do it peacefully – matter of fact. There is power in the spoken and written word, in the desire for peace and compassion. We’ve been led to believe that you must have money to have power – but social change has never been fueled by money, it’s fueled by strong passionate beliefs that are articulated in every possible venue and medium.
Your thoughts and words are the foundation for creating intentions which lead you to action. This is the manifestation process which you completely control. Curate those thoughts to the positive outcome you want, choose the words that express them and watch how your intentions build on this to create a plan of action. Whether it’s speaking up more, writing more, taking action in protest, lifting up positive ideas, shutting down negative ones, you can find ways to put what you want into action. I am doing it right now. You can too.
How does this resonate with you? Reach out if you want support.