Connie Milligan, LCSW

If there is anything I’ve expressed that speaks to you, I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me at my email, connie [at] conniemilligan [dot] com

A New Year’s Message On Impermanence

How interesting that impermanence is what’s facing me as we move into the new year. There is a somber and an exhilarating message to this concept that I’d like to share. It seems fitting as we consider 2020, a new and likely auspicious decade. The somber part of impermanence has to do with death and […]



Do you have a mindfulness and compassion practice? It’s interesting to note that these two things have become linked in exercises and are being used to increase our ability to cope. Now is a great time to bring these skills into play. Mindfulness and compassion are practices that can be easily learned. While mindfulness is […]

The People Who Make A Difference

During a trip to Chicago, I was particularly aware of the people who make a difference. I went to hear Dr. Ron Siegel speak on Mindfulness and Compassion, and while he is one making a difference, it was also the everyday people I encountered in travel that impressed me. It’s not just those in the […]

Thank Heavens For Friends Who Are Like Family

Thank Heavens For Friends Who Are Like Family

Do you have friends who are like family? Framily is what we call them. They have played an important role in seeing me though many junctures of my life. Having just taken a little out-of-town trip with a group of friends and while there, rendezvoused with a childhood girlfriend I haven’t seen in 22 years, […]


It’s been a time of interesting lessons on trust. As my husband, Lee, transitions out of his long-term career into something amorphous in the music business, I have been uneasy. With both of us so busy with our non-profit, I haven’t been developing my own work. “Where is all this going”, has been my anxious […]