Connie Milligan, LCSW

If there is anything I’ve expressed that speaks to you, I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me at my email, connie [at] conniemilligan [dot] com

How GRATITUDE Moderates Extreme Polarization

How GRATITUDE Moderates Extreme Polarization

It’s Thanksgiving, a time to put differences aside with our families, our country and the world, long enough to experience gratitude. Thank heavens for this small moment. We have created such a culture of extreme polarization that current events whip us into a frenzy. What is all this about and how can gratitude help? The […]

2017 Manifestation Review

2017 Manifestation Review

Celebrate your accomplishments with Connie Milligan, LCSW! Review your 2017 accomplishments and see what wants to happen next! Give yourself the gift of deeply understanding your life direction so you can move forward with greater clarity and sense of purpose by doing a 2017 Manifestation Review! This workshop takes you on a deep dive into […]

What’s Inspiring You?

What’s Inspiring You?

This past week, I’ve had the honor of being witness to numerous inspiring events. They weren’t grand, extravagant type affairs. They were intimate and poignant representations of heartfelt expression. Knowing the people and their back story added to my sense of inspiration. I realized how it’s often the small things in our life that inspire […]

How Do You Expand Your Life Experience and Why Is It So Important?

How Do You Expand Your Life Experience and Why Is It So Important?

This has been a topic of interest of mine for a while. Are you bored or expanding your life experience?Why is this even important? I wrote about it a couple of months ago after hearing Ester Hicks say that the point of life is “Joyous Expansion”. Since then I’ve been paying attention to how this […]

What’s After #Me Too

What’s After #Me Too

Last week Twitter and Facebook blew up with #Me too comments. Women (and some men) of all ages and walks of life shared their experiences with sexual harassment, abuse and inequity. What’s been stunning is not only the sheer volume, but the pain and secrets that have been held by so many. What do we […]

How To Get Out Of A Rut

How To Get Out Of A Rut

It was so interesting. When I conducted a two-day workshop on “Relaunch – Make Your Transformation Happen”, most everyone knew something needed to change in their life, but not everyone knew what it was or how to do it. When we get in a rut, it’s not always easy to know how to get out […]

How Cultural Exchange Transforms You

How Cultural Exchange Transforms You

This weekend, we launched our non-profit, Green Room Exchange, to promote cultural enrichment,  featuring our friend from Cuba, Alberto Gonzales Rivero. We had a packed house, Cuban food, mojitos, cigars and Alberto talking about life in Cuba. But what was most evident to me is how cultural exchange has transformed us. When Lee and I […]

RELAUNCH  – Make Your Transformation Happen!

RELAUNCH  – Make Your Transformation Happen!

Last week I wrote  “Clear Out What No Longer Serves You”, on the beginning steps to relaunch yourself in a new, more aligned direction. This week I’ll explore the second part that helps “Make Your Transformation Happen”. I’ll review the importance of creating a strength based vision for yourself, using your genuine excitement to attract […]