Having just attended two family member’s graduation ceremonies at different colleges in different states, I’m reflecting on the meaning of these rites of passage. In both cases, commencement addresses were focused on what we need to know to launch our life. It was interesting; in both speeches three points were made with similar messages. I […]
Why We Need More CELEBRATIONS In Our Life!
We’ve just had an amazing weekend of joyous celebration. It started with out-of -town guests arriving last week, Lee playing a concert Friday night and then hosting our annual Age of Aquarius party on Saturday. As numerous people commented – it was epic. So much joy was shared. Creating reasons for celebration has been one […]
“When Doves Cry” – What Was Prince Saying?
The haunting lines from When Doves Cry have been running through my mind since Prince died. What did he mean? His influence on me and everyone I knew who listened and danced to music in the 80’s and 90’s, wasn’t something we talked about. We seemed to be under a hypnotic spell that required movement. […]
GRATITUDE – The Powerful Game Changer
Last week we were facing some bad news and I wrote about ways to be more resilient. Pushing through difficulty has always been my go-to coping strategy. This week we’ve been in a place of gratitude because things won’t be as tough as we feared. What a difference gratitude can make! I am reminded that […]
I just received some tough news. It’s not the first time I’ve dealt with difficult things. In fact, if I think I’ve had more than my fair share, I realize, haven’t we all? It’s just a matter of time before life will bring us hard experiences. We’re all in this together. So when the inevitable […]
What Makes You MASTER Of Your Trade?
We were in Philadelphia last weekend to hear Hiromi Uehara play piano. It was my husband’s birthday present to hear his favorite piano player along with bass player Anthony Jackson (Steely Dan) and drummer Simon Phillips (The Who) in The Trio Project. We were blown away. I had watched some of her video’s so I […]
It’s a tough topic that has a good ending. I hope you’ll hear me out. While most of us are able to notice the loveliness and the beauty of this glorious Spring, the people who live with trauma everyday often have a skewed world view. Spring may not be noticeable to them. When people carry […]
Is it Really Better to Give Than To Receive?
Usually I am on the giving end of things. Last weekend I attended three different workshops to receive information. It was a big switch for me. I am usually the one conducting workshops, giving gifts, hosting parties. That’s my comfort zone. It was a stretch to put myself on the receiving end. While in that […]
It has been a powerful week. Two art events opened here in Lexington with profoundly expressive works that tell a story about identity and conflict. In the way that art imitates life, they provide a moving commentary on complex social issues that are not always openly expressed. And then there was the GOP debate, turned […]
4 Powerful Ways to Supercharge Your Intentions
Remember when you wanted something and you didn’t stop until you had it? You went straight for it didn’t you? The new car, house, job – you made it look easy because you were so clear about your intention to have it. So why don’t we make our other best intentions so easy? I watched […]