Defining Personal Success


Defining Personal Success

How you define success often determines how you motivate yourself, your priorities and how you move forward in life. This comes to mind as I’m surrounded by highly successful people, but not in the traditional Western sense. It begs the question – how do you define success?

As I prepare for a house full of incredibly talented musicians from all over the world and marvel at the artwork of highly creative friends – I realize they are all considered successful. While none have made a killing financially, they are nevertheless accomplished, at the top of their field as artists and musicians, as are the advocates, educators and service providers I call colleagues.  They are all given complete respect and admiration. They are each a success story.

So, let’s look at how you can define personal success. See if you can relate.

You’ve Created Yourself

We’re all given a genetic template of intelligence, gifts and personal attributes and placed in circumstances that we didn’t initially choose. What we do with that and how we develop it is mostly up to us. When you set a course that is a match to your gifts and can look back and see what you have done is right, it’s a good sign. But to Know what you are doing is right indicates you are not only fully evolved, you are successful.

You’re Self-Reliant

Successful people are self-reliant. They are not dependent on others to make things happen, they are self-starters, initiators and creators. While there is always need and room for collaboration, training, support and partnerships, in the end, the ownness is on you. And you did it. That’s what makes you successful.

You’re Disciplined

To create yourself and also be self-reliant requires discipline. It’s often the missing ingredient when people talk about how to be successful. It never just happens; it’s never a cake walk. It takes time and devoted effort to your chosen passion. The discipline to keep learning, growing and evolving also defines your success. It’s not a static event – it’s your ongoing, developing competence – your own success story.

How do you relate to this concept of success? If you’d like to explore it, reach out.





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