If ever there was a good time to clear out what doesn’t serve you, it is now. Consider the platform on which you stand and ask yourself if it’s really working for you?
The events around the SCOTUS proceedings and #metoo movement are highlighting the long-awaited confrontation of inequitable and unhealthy power structures that have dominated our culture. It’s left many shaken, dredging up difficult memories and shining a bright light on patterns of interaction that you’re ready to dismiss from your life experience.
How have the power inequities affected you? Both women and men have been enslaved by these dynamics. Now, we have an opportunity to really notice the patterns and make some decisions.
On October 20 and 21st I’m conducting a two-part workshop entitled “Clear and Reboot” that addresses this issue. It’s designed to help you identify patterns that no longer serve you, clear them out and reboot on a platform that reflects your values and best interests.
Let me focus on the first part – here are some things to consider in clearing out patterns that no longer meet your needs.
We all do it – have repetitious thoughts or behavior that keep us stuck or block our power. What comes to mind as I say this? It could be in relationships where you are in a role you don’t like or are treated in ways that diminish your sense of self. It could be behaviors that are self-defeating – like not standing up for yourself or not valuing yourself enough. It could be affecting you professionally, not doing what best suits you or not stepping into your full potential.
Unsatisfactory relationships at home or work and the thoughts and behaviors that keep you there will continue if you don’t take decisive action to change them. Begin by facing your patterns and fully acknowledge them. Decide that you’d like to see it change. You know you can!
Acknowledge the patterns that hold you back – you know what they are.
It’s helpful to notice how the patterns that you’ve identified affect you. What effect have they had on your mind, body and soul?
Are there patterns of thought that hinder you, like being occupied with worry, fear or low self-esteem? Do you have painful memories? Does this impact your body by having sleep or food issues, body aches and symptoms from stress related problems? And what about your soul? Do you feel like you are disconnected from your soul and don’t honor or know your truth?
The patterns of your mind, body and soul will help you know your truth.
Whether you know it or not, your soul only sees your gifts and your strengths. We all have unlimited capacity to be happy and satisfied with a purposeful life. We place limitations on ourselves.
If you look at yourself from your soul’s perspective, what do you notice? What gifts are unused, what interests or talents are longing for greater expression? What would bring more joy and contentment?
Your soul knows your truth – turn to it and ask what you need.
With your soul’s perspective in mind, how can you raise expectations for yourself? Making changes will mean doing things differently. Bring your strengths to the forefront. How can they help you now? Is more self-discipline needed, more courage, play or adventure? Could some tweaking help or is a big change for something altogether different indicated? Be honest with yourself.
And equally important, recognize what you can do for yourself. Waiting for someone else to change doesn’t work. The more responsibility you take for launching this process, the more successful you will be.
Start with the mind set that you can make any change you want.
Watching longstanding power inequality be challenged in the #metoo movement and SCOTUS hearings is stirring up issues for both women and men. It offers us an opportunity to consider how we’ve been affected and how we’d really like to live. Identify the patterns that need to change and how have they affected your mind, body and soul, Focus on your soul’s perspective and your unlimited potential, and notice where you stand. Raise your expectations – -you can make change happen!
It helps to have support to for this type of change. My “Clear and Reboot” workshop on October 20 and 21st is designed to guide you through this process. For more information or registration see the Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/909918539195277/ or go to my website at www.spectrumtransformation.com. For individual work, I welcome you to reach out to me through my Free Consultation button on my website. I’d love to help!
Photo Credit – David Allen Fitts