Recognize Your Problem So It Can Be Solved


Recognize Your Problem So It Can Be Solved

Are you focused on a problem? Seems we all are these days – our own, the country’s, the world’s. It is a painful place to be and one that contributes to the general funk I keep hearing about. What can you do about it?

I love how the right information comes to me from disparate places. This time, The Course Of Miracles, hosted by Marianne Williamson, something I have been reading this year, gave me perspective. Along with my ramped-up meditation practice, I have some new insight on how to approach a problem.

I’ve been ruminating over one myself, having some sleepless nights with thoughts racing, mostly in circles. See if these ideas are helpful for you. It has been clarifying for me.  


So often, the source of a problem you are dealing with is ultimately targeted towards one or more people. It’s a slippery slope. As you know, a finger pointed at another person has three pointing back to you.

Once you have fixated on a person as the problem, you have narrowed your ability to fully see or understand it. That approach will invariably increase your anger and frustration and take away your ability to solve it. You don’t often have control over another person, so how does it help to blame? 


If you understand the Law Of Cause and Effect, then you understand there are always a myriad of events, sequentially unraveling from many causal factors. This is an important concept. It’s like a domino or waterfall effect, one causal factor leads to an effect that leads to another and another. It’s hard to isolate just one factor and you will need to go back in time to find the source.

Step back and look broadly to find as many of the source factors as you can. It’s the big picture I’m talking about here, or the wisdom perspective that comes from your wise mind. This broader understanding helps you clarify things, not to point a finger of blame, but to deeply understand all the causal factors involved. It creates that aha of understanding that creates compassion and acceptance. When you find it, which you always can if you look deeply enough, your anger and frustration will dissipate.


Finding a solution to a problem also means understanding all the ways that it affects you and how you are part of it.  What is the consequence that you are dealing with and what are you feeling? Deeply understand your thoughts and your truth. Notice all the different ways you can look at it and understand your role in it.

Pay attention to your own sequence of cause-and-effect relationships and why this is a problem for you. Use the Serenety Prayer to recognize what you can and can’t do. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” What do you need to change about yourself? Understand that you are part of the solution. 


Once you have done the previous exploration, you realize that the solution already exists in you, in others and is often multifaceted. By letting go of the outcome, you actually leave room for the miracles that can happen when others also do their own work. Open up a conversation with those involved. Don’t assume you have the right answer – invite the solutions to present themselves.

Letting go is the hardest and most important aspect of the solution. This is where you allow God, or source to work through you and others to bring the right solutions to the surface. It takes trust, some faith and a wise knowing that there is always a greater good that is embedded in all problems that are being worked out. Yes, even with the devastation in Ukraine – the world is waking up to the importance of protecting democracy. A deep understanding of the problem invites the solution.

If there is a problem in your life, along with the global ones we are all stressing over, try this approach to fully recognize the problem so it can be solved. It involves being careful not to point a finger at others, looking deeply to understand the source of the problem, looking inward to know your truth and letting go of the outcome to find the solution. See if this works for you. It has for me.

If this speaks to you and you’d like support to explore a problem in this way, reach out. My Transformational Coaching and Therapy can help. Go to and use my Free Consultation link to reach me. I’d love to hear from you. #recognizeyourproblem #everyproblemthereisasolution #howtoapproachyourproblem #bestself #healthymindset #transformationalifecoach #lifecoachingtips

#recognizeyourproblem #everyproblemthereisasolution #howtoapproachyourproblem #bestself #healthymindset #purposedrivenlife #lifewellcaptured #selfdiscovery #enlightened #transformationalifecoach #lifecoachingtips #focusonyourself #lifepurpose #positiveliving #goodthings #selfbelief #purposeoflife #whatmatters #focusonthegood #positivemindpositivelife #becomebetter #projecthappiness #fillyourcup





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