It’s a time of self-reflection, noticing my own transformation, triggered by all things, painting the interior of my house. I’ve lived here 30 some years, there’s a lot of history in these walls, triumphant joy and sadness too. It has made me pause and observe.
We are never fixed, we are always in a state of transformation, but how often do you take time to observe it with wonder, honesty and gratitude. It’s worth considering this as an exercise in appreciation for how far you’ve come, and for what you can learn from it as well.
Consider these points of observation on your transformation.
Just the act of painting the walls makes me realize how differently I have looked at things at points in time. Like the change in colors – I want soft white walls now, a radical departure from the rich colors before. I want the calm they provide. Things that used to create conflict no longer matter, friends, family, a sense of purpose, my spiritual beliefs are more important, and they too have developed in radical new ways. I have had many highs and lows here – all important, all good, making me who I am.
Looking at yourself honestly is a mark of courage and maturity. Be aware how the modeling for the opposite: denial, lying and deception is a cancer that eats at your soul and everyone else’s. Facing your shadow side, your own poor behavior and unkindness gives you lessons to learn from. As my father would say – “Do Better”. I know I can; we all can.
Taking responsibility for your past, with acceptance of the good and bad enables you to move forward. I work with many people who have a hard time doing this. Staying in the grip of past traumas keeps the body, mind and spirit stuck in knots. Working through it, learning to let go with acceptance is when you achieve health. We are never the same, we are always growing, and if you are like me and most people, it’s the suffering that becomes your greatest teacher. Find the gratitude in this.
Do you appreciate how you are transforming? If you’d like to explore this, reach out.