Connie Milligan, LCSW

If there is anything I’ve expressed that speaks to you, I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me at my email, connie [at] conniemilligan [dot] com

How To Easily Break Down Walls – Personally and Professionally

How To Easily Break Down Walls – Personally and Professionally

We just had an incredible week of cultural exchange that filled us with joy and the promise of more exciting collaborations to come. It has become clear that we have found how to easily break down walls – personally and professionally between people and cultures. I think this is important and worth exploration. Last week […]

Processing Our Amazing Stay with the Ewe People of Ghana

Processing Our Amazing Stay with the Ewe People of Ghana

We have just returned from two and a half weeks with the Ewe people in the Volta Region of rural Ghana. We are still processing the impact of our amazing experience. It was so far removed from our modern North American lifestyle, it has given us a lot to think about. During our time in […]

How The Power Of Your Intentions Determines Your Success

How The Power Of Your Intentions Determines Your Success

I’m leaving for Africa to attend two weeks of spiritual festivals, so the topic of intention is on my mind. I’ve discussed this concept  a lot in my Manifestation Course. There are several facets to understanding how the power of your intentions determines your success. For example, this trip to Ghana isn’t a vacation, it’s […]

Stop Worrying About Your Future and Let Your Soul Help

Stop Worrying About Your Future and Let Your Soul Help

I am teaching a course on Manifestation and last week’s lesson was on envisioning your future. If you want to stop worrying about your future and imagine it’s best – let your soul help.  Your soul knows what’s good for you and can help clarify your path. Have you noticed how much time we spend […]

Switch Your Negative To Positive – And Make It Easy

Switch Your Negative To Positive – And Make It Easy

It was a great class, focusing on the patterns of our life and finding where we get stuck. It’s often the negative events that keep us mired down. It seems universal that these events take more of our attention, dampening our true nature. How do you free yourself to move on – how do you […]