You know that change starts with you. Now more than ever, the world needs you to be your best! When I attended our local women’s march over the weekend, I remembered all the other marches I’ve attended through the years. They’ve all been efforts to align myself around values, beliefs and action that foster the […]
“Are My Thoughts Helpful?” – Powerful Self Discovery Questions To Ask Yourself
I’m launching my Manifestation Course this week. The first lesson, on the Law of Mentalism, focuses on your thoughts. When you Inquire “Are my thoughts helpful” you’re launching powerful self-discovery questions to ask yourself. Let me explain why and how to do it. Have you noticed that very successful people usually have confident and self-affirming […]
How To Begin A Personal Transformation Journey – Start Today!
We’re a week into welcoming and launching 2018. One thing for sure, the new year offers an opportunity to begin a personal transformation journey. Are you considering it for yourself? What would that mean and how would you do it? We have so many choices. Do you really want to keep everything the same? Could […]
The 2018 Manifestation Course – How To Create Miracles
“The Manifestation Course” provides a deep dive into the Laws of the Universe that hold the key to how you can manifest miracles!! In 6 weeks, you’ll learn the tools that will enable you to make your dreams come to life! This workshop takes you beyond the Law of Attraction to explore all 7 of […]
Manifesting Miracles: 7 Do-Able Steps You Can Take To Make It Happen
Happy New Year’s greeting to you! If you’re like me, you’re considering how you want this new year to unfold. The good news is you absolutely have the power to make things the way you want, when you use the 7 keys to manifesting miracles! What are your 2018 dreams? Are you wanting love, a […]
I’m writing this on Christmas Day. No matter your faith tradition, there is something about this time of year that can bring out the best in us. We are suspending our conflicts and opinions long enough to share some love. It’s in the process that we learn how love transforms. Over the last week, I’ve […]
4 Ways To Lift Yourself and Others This Holiday Season
Everyone I know is in the throes of holiday preparation. Not everyone is happy about it either. How can you lift yourself and others during the stress of holiday pressure? This is a topic I have a lot of personal experience with, and it dovetails with everything I’ve been studying for decades. Here are some […]
How A 2017 Year In Review Helps You Plan 2018
I conducted a 2017 Manifestation Review workshop last week. The purpose was to determine what you’ve done this year that holds the most potential for development in 2018. It was interesting, people had several aha moments that weren’t expected. In fact, positive things took different forms and not all negative things were bad. Read on […]
What If Men And Women Were Really Considered Equals
With the news swirling around about the latest accusations of predatory behavior by men and their consequences, it begs the question. What if men and women were really considered equals? Our constitution says we are equal, yet with all the evidence of problems that suggest otherwise, it’s hard to understand what true equality would mean. […]
Creating Balance Between Me and We – The Case For a New Paradigm
Over the Thanksgiving holiday we typically extend ourselves to our families and others. We put our “me’ orientation on hold and adapt a more generous “we” focus. The joy this creates is palpable. I’m more aware of it this year because of the pain I heard from family when one person didn’t join in. It literally […]