

I love the quiet before a workshop, contemplating what wants to happen. It’s an opening for new perspectives. In the stillness, I often have my best inspiration. This weekend was no exception as I launched the Clear and Reboot workshop.

Meditation is my best teacher, especially when I’m about to teach something. It’s when I receive sage wisdom from some internal voice – my guides, my wise self, God? I don’t always know, but I do know to listen. This time I had several pieces of advice that resulted in the restructuring the workshop with a different emphasis.

Afterwards, I reflect in the quiet as well. How did the workshop go, did I convey the profound information so it could be understood, what did I learn? Every time is different and always good. And every time I learn something very important.

Here are the new perspectives that came to me while I  prepared and conducted the workshop. I found them to be compelling. In fact, they changed the way I look at myself and the work I do. See if they speak to you as well.

ANCHOR – In The Quiet

The message to me before the workshop was loud and clear – a single word – heard as if in bold letters. ANCHOR. It was a commanding piece of information that can be taken many ways. But I knew exactly what it meant for me.

Because my work is grounded in the ancient wisdom from Egypt, known as the Hermetic Principals, I knew it meant that I needed to make sure I was firmly anchored in those principles. It meant that I need to pay attention to my relationship to something bigger than myself. I am simply a conduit. It’s a humbling reminder of my purpose.

It’s important to remind yourself of your foundation – where do you need to anchor yourself?


There is a process I go through to ramp myself up to speak and lead. It is a quiet rehearsal of sorts in my mind. Sadly, as much experience as I have, I still have tinges of self-doubt. Damn that doubting voice! Especially as the topic was about clearing out what no longer serves you and replacing it with a strength-based perspective. I decide to make that the focus of my own clear and reboot process.

In the quiet I heard, again in a loud and commanding voice – DETERMINED – get determined. And again, I knew exactly what it meant. What I’m doing is  important and I can’t lose sight of that with dumb insecurities. Let them go and take the responsibility seriously.

Clear out your insecurities and know what you are doing is important.


During the workshop, many people had strong reactions. A lot of tears were shed. There was a visible struggle to sort out the negative from the positive. People were hearing what they needed, and I was humbled.

I am continually stunned to realize how prevalent the negative messages are that keep us blocked. Knowing about it isn’t enough. It takes strong intention, clear information and practice to change the negative internal dialog and relearn how to love yourself again. We are all in a different place in our journey and we assimilate information at different rates.

Honor where you are in your journey – there is no one size fits all.


When I see people in pain, I want to help. It was hard not to process what I was seeing more fully, hard not to go deeper to uncover the path to a happier place. I had to remind myself, it’s not my work to do. Most of all, I had to remind myself to trust the process. Everyone has their own time table and information will come to them as they are ready.

One of the tenants of my teachings is trusting that in fact, the carpet will unroll in front of you when you are on the right path. The right information, the right people, the right circumstances will appear when you are ready. It’s the concept embedded in the Law of Vibration that “like attracts like”. I was gently reminded that this workshop was just one piece in a bigger picture for everyone present.

Trust that where ever you are right now, you can get there from here.

It’s always an honor to be the messenger in workshops that teach people how to wake up and recognize their greatness. And it’s always humbling to see the baggage that has to be offloaded in the process of stepping into personal power. I felt I was taken through a transformation process myself as I prepared for the training and delivered it. It was a reminder that I have to anchor myself in my own studies and practice to be a good teacher – that always comes first. I was shown that I have to get out of my own way, leave insecurities behind and be determined of the importance of what I’m doing. The participants showed me the delicate vulnerability of being at different stages in the process of change. Most of all, I have to trust their change process, just as I trust my own. We can all get there from where we stand now.

If this speaks to you, and you’d like help to release the negativity that blocks you from stepping into your power, my Transformational Life Coaching and Counseling can help. It’s an important part of the work I do. See my website www.spectrumtranformation.com for more details and reach out through my Free Consultation button. I’d love to hear from you.





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