“Keep Listening With Your Heart”


“Keep Listening With Your Heart”

heart-camThe elections are finally here and if you’re like me, excitement and trepidation are equally high. We have been under siege by an onslaught of some of the worst aspects of human nature. Now, let’s take a moment to reclaim what we know to be our truth. It’s time to let our wisdom and strength of character lead the way.

To inspire us, I have asked the wonderful singer, Gail Wynters, to share a song she wrote and recorded with her musician sons Tripp and Arte Bratton, “Keep Listening With Your Heart”. Gail has returned to KY after 20 plus years based in NYC where she performed in all the top places from the Lincoln Center to The Blue Note, with many of the jazz greats, recorded music for RCA and Capital records and performed throughout Europe, South America & Asia.

I think her song speaks the wisdom we need to be reminded of right now.  To hear the demo, click the You Tube link below to enjoy Gail’s powerful song and read on.

 “Keep Listening With Your Heart”

A seed was planted long ago

Hibernating until dawning

When all the stars have found their designated place

A voice is calling…. calling

And in the morning, as if awake

But caught in the between land

A voice I hear within the deep within

A voice is calling…. calling

And walking in the quietude of evening

I hear it once again and once again it asks me to recall

Do you know who you truly are

Do you know where you come from

Do you know how it all will end

‘Til then, keep listening with your heart

Haunting, this haunting

Is this the voice I’m yearned for so long

Like a half remembered song

Do you know who you truly are

Do you know where you come from

Do you know how it all will end

‘Til then,

Truth will not be denied

Let love be your guide

Do you know you’re a shining Star

Come out of your hiding

Do you know separation cannot last

But for now,

Keep listening with your heart

 What does it mean to “listen with your heart”? Let me highlight the points from Gail’s song.


Gail is a good example of listening to your truth. After living the music industry’s fast life, she knew she wanted something that spoke to her soul. She has now settled in a cabin in a rural setting near town. It’s peaceful and beautiful and full of everything that is dear to her. She heard her truth and honored it.

Truth comes to us in that quiet voice that knows. It is our soul’s wisdom speaking. Now more than ever, we need to be able to tune into this knowledge to decipher what is real. We are bombarded daily with urges to attend to other’s agendas. How well are you attending to the one inside of you?

Our truth is always available to us, just tune into the quiet knowing in your heart.


We say this, we know this, but how well do we let love be our guide? Love is always the higher order knowing that can cut through every conflict and find the meeting point in every extreme.

Now, can we honesty love the fact that every opinion counts and be grateful that we live in a country that allows that freedom? It’s time to allow love to give us grace and acceptance so we can collaborate and raise one another up- not diminish each other.

Love offers a higher order perspective that can sort out all conflict in our heart and mind.


We are all interconnected. We forget this as we grind away at each other with polarizing perspectives.  Can you find ways to be more inclusive, rather than looking for the differences that separate us? Can we celebrate those differences now and learn from them?

Our connection to something greater than ourselves reminds us that ideas of separation are simply a mental creation. What common ground can you find with people you disagree with? It’s more prevalent than you think. The good qualities of all people bring us together whenever it is needed.

Seek perspectives that offers unity, commonality and connection, knowing that separatist thinking is an illusion.


Our lives have purpose, meaning and importance. When we claim that “shining star” spark ourselves, we merge with something greater and see it in others.

Step into your truth and shine, your gifts are not meant to be hidden. The time is now.

Claim your gifts, the world needs you now – “Keep Listening With Your Heart”.

Join me in thanking Gail Wynters for the gifts she gives us. You can see and hear her perform on Sunday Nov. 13th at Willie’s Locally Known for Sunday Jazz Brunch, Friday Nov. 18th at The Julep Cup, and Friday Jan. 6th with C The Beat at the Willie’s Locally Known.

Does this message speak to you?  Would you’d like to learn how to better “listen with your heart”? My coaching and counseling services help people reconnect to their higher order truth so life can be more fully experienced. See my website, www.spectrumtransformation.com for more information and click on my Free Consultation tab is you have questions. I’d love to hear from you.






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