Recognizing the energetic magic of connecting with culturally different people, despite language barriers, was one of the joys of my trip to A Caruna, Spain. I was there for WOMEX, the international world music exposition, with thousands of people from across the globe. I needed to quickly make connections with industry people to find business partners for our non-profit, GreenRoom Exchange.

Watching what happened reminded me that connection occurs on the energetic level. Here’s what I noticed:
Intuition guides you to the right people at the right time. There are verbal and non-verbal signals that tell you someone is a potential ally and friend. It’s like a secret code – key words that spark recognition, knowing smiles, reactions to the same thing, eye contact, laughter, relatable appearance all factor in. This process happens in an instant and requires paying attention to your gut.
I want openness and transparency in how someone approaches their work. I want to trust them. Despite language and cultural differences, finding the right people was easy. There were smiles, eye contact, shared verbal and non-verbal jokes, and laughter that cued me we could work together. Being relaxed and easy in someone’s company is the litmus test.
I trust my judgement and values to guide me. Being with Lee and musician, Alioune Guisse, meant we needed to trust each other and agree on potential music partners quickly. We were looking for people who, like us, want to leave the world a better place. Several people said just that. My number one pick was an astute, energetic women who brought tears to my eyes as she talked about the values and energy she puts into her work. We all connected with her for different reasons and she to us. Alioune called it a “god match”.
In a completive industry that notoriously takes advantage of artists, we connected with 8 people who provide booking, marketing, management and festivals we trust will help us go Global. It happened through the energetic magic of making connections!
Let me know if you’d like to explore this!