Winter Invites Us To Raise Our Light – And Give A Little Love


Winter Invites Us To Raise Our Light – And Give A Little Love

Raising your light when it’s dark and cold is important, I need it and so do others. The winter doldrums are real. We have been snowed in, the days are short, our social lives are curtailed, and the rapidly spreading variant is making us extra cautious. Everyone needs a little love.

The pandemic is taking a toll, everyone is over it and yet it continues. People with Seasonal Affective Disorder, and post holiday’s depression have an especially hard time right now. It is time to be a beacon of light to those who need it.

Here are some thoughts on how you can raise your light and be helpful to those who need a lift. See if this gives you some ideas.


Raising your light means increasing the positive energy you have so you become more vibrant and helpful to yourself and others. If you meditate, then likely you know the benefits of this and hopefully are doing it more these days. If not, please consider taking it up. It’s the fastest way to find, claim and ramp up your own inner wattage. You can literally call in the golden light of the divine to help you raise your own light.

Here’s how: As you sit with your eyes closed, imagine a column of golden light steaming into your crown chakra at the top of your head. If you see gold mixed with other colors, like purple, that’s good too. Let the column of light flood in behind your mind’s eye until you see and feel like you are being bathed in sunshine and are sitting in what I call, a “Golden Field”. It’s restful, restorative and raises your energy.


Something you are likely very familiar with is taking care of your body with yoga or exercise, healthy food and rest. This isn’t a diet plan, it Is simply what is needed this time of year. It will make you more comfortable and physically attuned so you can be responsive to others. When you are in balance you have more to give. Don’t try to serve from an empty cup, fill your own first.

Rather than thinking of restrictive and negative ways of forcing yourself into health, see this as a way to feel better and have more to give. When you do it for a purpose that serves others, it will help you feel more motivated. Who would benefit from you feeling better and being in a better mood?


If there are friends you haven’t heard from in a while, there is likely a reason. This time of year, people tend to isolate more. It can set up a vicious pattern where the more they stay alone, the more lonely and depressed they become. Often, they need a helping hand to pull out of it. Reach out, express your interest, and get involved.

If this describes you, consider who you need to reach out to. Trust me when I say that social isolating right now will backfire on you. It becomes increasingly hard to get out of a depressive funk the longer it continues. Talk to a friend, let someone know, get out and engage. It will help you feel better.


As you go about your day, notice all the people you come into contact with. What are some ways you can spread some kindness? Say a meaningful hello, ask how they are doing, say please and thank you. Show interest, give a little extra love.

In many places, there are staffing shortages and stress from taking on more and more. Everyone needs more kindness right now. Be the one who gives rather than takes. Make someone’s day by going the extra mile to offer to help, give a nice tip, an extra smile and a compliment. This kind of love spreads exponentially and will help everyone.

During the dark days of winter, raising our light and giving a little more love will help everyone around us feel better. There are simple ways to do this – meditate and bring in the golden light to raise your energy. Take care of yourself physically with exercise and healthy eating. Reach out to friends you haven’t talked to in a while. And most of all, spread the love with kindness. We all need a little extra help.

If this speaks to you and you’d like to learn more about how to raise your light, reach out. My Transformational Coaching and Therapy is designed to help you be the beacon of light you are intended to be. Go to and use my Free Consultation link. I’d love to hear from you. 





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