Connie Milligan, LCSW

If there is anything I’ve expressed that speaks to you, I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me at my email, connie [at] conniemilligan [dot] com

Facing Your Avoidance – Four Tricks For Productivity And Accountability

Facing Your Avoidance – Four Tricks For Productivity And Accountability

Avoidance is the opposite of productivity – on the other side of the continuum – and accountability is the tool that keeps you on track. Getting productive and staying accountable is at the heart of meeting your goals, yet often the best laid plans make this hard. I hear how people use avoidance by shifting […]

Ways You Can Put The Inspiration Martin Luther King Into Action

Ways You Can Put The Inspiration Martin Luther King Into Action

The inspiration and legacy of Martin Luther King are so daunting that it often eclipses the truth of the profound messages he delivered, making us think we can’t follow his example. That was true for me until I looked more closely at some of his quotes and thought about his influence. There is much to […]

Embrace Your Potential And Personal Evolution

Embrace Your Potential And Personal Evolution

Embracing your potential and personal evolution is a wonderful concept to consider in the new year. As you contemplate and plan what you want for yourself, remember that your thoughts are the beginning of all change. Take this seriously; it is the start of all great things. I often conduct a Manifestation Master Class in […]

Want A Better 2023 – Let The Spirit Lead The Way

Want A Better 2023 – Let The Spirit Lead The Way

Understanding how spirit works in your life has been a life-changing awareness for me. It has reoriented how I do my work, and how I make decisions, and has realigned me to what is important, all to the positive! As you think about what you want this new year to bring, consider how spirit can […]

Radical Acceptance – The Crossroad Between Love and Profound Difficulty

Radical Acceptance – The Crossroad Between Love and Profound Difficulty

Radical acceptance came to mind as I noticed the contrast between the loving experience of my holiday and the hurtful difficulties others were experiencing. It is the place between the two that I want to explore – when you have love in your heart and yet are experiencing something painful. While I was basking in […]

Holidays As A Gate To Something Bigger

Holidays As A Gate To Something Bigger

While giving is often the focus of the holidays, it is actually a gate to something bigger. What that means depends on your beliefs and views. With the different holidays of Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and the Winter Solstice occurring now, each with its own purpose and message, give yourself the opportunity to move a little […]

Gifts of Attitude Change You Can Give Yourself To Make Your Holiday More Meaningful

Gifts of Attitude Change You Can Give Yourself To Make Your Holiday More Meaningful

The gifts of attitude change, particularly those that embrace a positive attitudinal shift, is something you can always give yourself. This is likely one of the easiest, most inexpensive way you can make your holidays more meaningful. For many, the holidays are stressful, over loaded with memories that can be painful or lonely and difficult. […]