Intention is the starting point for everything. If you want to figure out what is the next best thing to do in any aspect of your life, first clarify your intention. This lesson keeps coming back to me.
I am facing a crossroad. With a reduction in some of my consultation, I have a little more time to put to something else. So what is most important, I ask myself, given I have lots of different things going on? That is when I remember, start by clarifying my intention.
Here is what I and you need to consider:
We often set goals for ourselves, but for an intention to have meaning, ask if it is what you really want. For It to be worth your effort, make sure it is important to you. Ask yourself if it will make a difference in your life, move you toward significant goals, or help you meet stated aspirations?
I have many goals, thinking this way helps me clarify which one is most important now. At this stage of my life, I see things differently, priorities take on new meaning. I don’t need busy work – I want to do things of substance. How much do I want to write my book, develop new workshops online, or take our non-profit to the next level? Each one requires a significant level of commitment.
The more an intention has meaning for you, the more likely it will happen. Determine if your intention matches both your values and your sense of purpose. Will it compliment and enhance your sense of self and add dimension to your sense of purpose? Being conscious of what you want and how it matches your purpose gives your intention meaning.
There are things I want to do that would be nice, like travel, gardening and spending more time with friends, but they don’t really fulfill my sense of purpose. The ones that do are more difficult and complex. Focusing on these will take a degree of determination and willpower. It is in situations like this that it becomes necessary to establish a strong intention. The three things on my list all align with my values and purpose and will take some serious contemplation.
To make your intentions become reality, your actions need to line up to meet them. Being mindful that what you say and do in fact match is the proof of your own sincerity. Note, that it is easy to say you want something, but opps, it didn’t happen, for lots of reasons. When you are sincere, your words and actions are aligned.
The clearer and stronger your intention is, the more weight and power your actions need to be. I have a lot of experience with this – I know when I am 100% aligned with an intention, nothing will stop me from making something happen. That kind of clarity ensures what you want will happen. Anything less means that you are giving yourself wiggle room for things not to happen. You have to get serious with yourself. I’m deciding now – how serious am I about my intentions? It is a commitment I have to make with myself.
To determine the next best thing to do requites that you clarify your Intention.
I have great ideas, but first I have to determine what I really want to have happen. And next, I need to determine if it meets with my values and sense of purpose. I can say yes to those things. But, then the hard part comes – you have to make sure your actions are in alignment with your intentions. It is all these factors together that determine if what you say you intend will come to fruition. Wish me luck… I have some serious thinking to do.
If you would like to explore how to bring your intention into fruition, reach out. My Transformational Life Coaching and Therapy can help you be accountable to yourself. Go to and use my Free consultation form to reach me. I’d love to hear from you.