Feeling too busy – it is time to stay grounded and true to yourself. That is the message coming to me as we enter the holidays. Do not let all the hustle deter you from what you know is important for your sense of self and well-being.
When I meditate, I ask for guidance and that was my message. After a busy Thanksgiving with family, lots of cooking, and celebrating my mother’s 103 birthday, which is beyond comprehension given she’s so alert and healthy, I was happy to return to my mediation practice. I know I needed this message and trust you may need it as well.
Here are more details on 4 ways you can stay grounded and true to yourself.
Connect With Nature
Our natural world is a beautiful life-affirming gift that likely was overlooked while giving thanks during the holiday. I speak for myself with a pang because being in nature is so essential to my overall health and well-being. We love to groom and tame nature for our own pleasure, without taking into account that plants’ conversion of CO2 to oxygen is essential to our life.
Consider how you connect with nature and make it a regular part of your life. I have three friends that I commune with regularly as I take walks with my dog which always shows me something lovely, like the huge Alabama pinecones in the photo. Spending time outside is relaxing and restorative, helping ground and connecting you to your natural state. Open your blinds, and get outside. The more you enhance your connection to nature, the more you enhance yourself.
Resume or Start a Spiritual Practice
Consider how you connect to something greater than you, to spirit, to your own internal wisdom, and that of ascended masters. It does not matter your beliefs; it is accessible on any terms. A practice of meditation, prayer, silence, or contemplation, even 10-15 minutes, can give you an inner calm and peace that is life-altering.
Giving yourself time, in silence preferably, allows your breathing to relax, your mind to let go of stress, and restores you to your own internal home base. It is how you can connect to your deeper wisdom that is the foundation for your personal development. This one practice will help you be clearer and more centered than anything else you can do.
Make Yourself A Priority
Are you taking yourself seriously enough or are you putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own? It is true that many people take care of others in order to take care of themselves. It is an honorable first step, but know that at some point, you have to rearrange your priorities.
When you give attention to your needs, your plans, and your own development, you will benefit all those around you. You will fill yourself up, you will have more confidence and joy and when your cup is full, you obviously have more to give others. What part of you is calling out for your attention? It is fine to respond; it is time to take care of yourself.
You Have Purpose – Follow Your Joy
When times are busy, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture of your life. It is important to step back and put everything in perspective. You are here for a reason, you have a purpose. The roles you play in your life are important, in all their many facets.
Know that you are here to keep experiencing, learning, and growing. Follow the joy in your life, it will give you the most positive energy for everything else you want to do. Let the carpet roll out in front of you as you follow your own life-affirming desires. The deep desires, not the ones related to stuff or status. They are the ones that sustain your purpose.
After being so busy and distracted, I was happy my meditation jolted me back to consider what is really important. Let these 4 things help you stay grounded.
Connect with nature, resume, or start a spiritual practice, make yourself and your plans a priority, and know you have a purpose, so follow your joy.
I hope this helps you as it helped me. If you would like support to follow these steps, reach out. My Transformational Life Coaching and Therapy can help. Go to www.spectrumtransformation.com and use my Free Consultation link. I would love to hear from you.