Using your intuition effectively is often what separates those who are successful and those who stay locked in place. I have been hearing people speak of the lost moments when they didn’t pay attention to their gut. It’s sent me down a path to more clearly illuminate what is involved in using your intuition. As […]
Releasing Regret
Regret has been a topic with some of my clients. It’s a hard one, it causes a lot of angst and pain. Statements like, “It was my fault, I was awful”, and “I can’t believe I didn’t see what was coming” keep them awake at night, hurt and angry. As I contemplated ways to help […]
SANKOFA – The Importance Of Learning From Your Past
Like being hit over the head, the importance of learning from your past has come to me from several directions. With the death of the last elder on my father’s side of my family, I’m wishing for conversations we didn’t have, revering the ones we did. As a therapist, I’m helping people learn the lessons […]
On Getting Inspired and Moving Forward
Finally, I’m getting inspired with plans to move forward! It seems I’ve been in a pandemic inspired funk for over a year. While there have been very real barriers to getting things done, I also haven’t been able to think outside of the box. Maybe you can relate? I have my own clinical business, I […]
The barriers to success are derailing so many good people in our diversion court, I want to look at it more closely. The reasons are complicated, but I would like to make a simple template so they can learn from it and pick themselves back up. We all have our moments when we feel like […]
Integrating What You Learn
Integrating what you learn is a challenging and important part of any new experience. Having returned from my third trip to Ghana, I am still processing and wanting to honor my insights and new awareness. It’s interesting traveling to Ghana – it is like stepping into another world. Their customs and traditions are different, their […]
Your focus on any subject is like a filter that determines how you see and react. This has become clearer to me after our Trip to Ghana. I was intent on learning about the Ewe people we were visiting and to understand it from a lens of the Laws of the Universe, which they live […]
Doing it for the JOY!
Joy was the theme of Lee’s latest gig in Nashville. He performed the “1971 – Greatest Year in Music” show and the crowd was ecstatic. Maybe it was the opportunity to gather, maybe it was the nostalgia for music everyone knows the words to, maybe it was the band being totally relaxed and doing it […]
Success Doesn’t Mean Resting On Your Laurels
The fabulous success of Lee’s concert continues to bring lovely tributes. It is satisfying to hear that people are talking about it and sending him messages days later. Yet, this is just one step, one stop, along a long road. There will be no resting on his laurels. It’s been wonderful to watch him savor […]
Seems like getting ready has become a constant state. As our world opens up, the process of getting ready for something has taken on more importance and is occupying a lot more space in my mind. Is this ok – is there something I should do about it? I’m in a continuous process of getting […]