Birthdays – It Is Just A Number


Birthdays – It Is Just A Number

The number of this new decade I’m moving into seems daunting when you hear it, but honestly, it’s just a number. I’ve spent my life thinking every decade ahead was really old, until I got there. This one, 70, is no different. What a wonderful surprise!

As I celebrated over the weekend, I was reminded of what is really important. It’s the quality of your life, special time with friends and family, savoring what you do, the ongoing experience of joy. I realize my life is rich and age is irrelevant.

Here are some of my birthday card messages that say it all!

  • “The average person is now 29.1 years old – – Happy Birthday to someone who is way above average.” 

We need to put things in perspective. Relatively speaking our quality and length of life is way beyond average. Have some gratitude for your health and longevity.

  • “You have a lot to be proud of. You’ve created a life of depth and richness, filled with people who care about you. It’s a life well-lived. It’s an amazing life and it’s yours.”

This sweet card from my sister pretty much says it all. I have a life well-lived and yes, I’ve intentionally created it to be just the way it is.

  • The more birthdays you have, the more you glow!”

I love this perspective. With age, you become wiser, more confident, and more attuned to who you really are. That is the point, make aging a gift that deserves respect. It’s not something to dread – it’s a gift that gains value with every passing year.

  • Nourish, Grow, Inspire- that’s what you do for everyone”!

When you focus on your own personal growth, you can help others do the same for themselves.

  • “Everything about you says “class” – from the way your carry yourself to the way you dwell in positivity by truly loving yourself and others. You are the inspiration and proof that beauty doesn’t age, elegance doesn’t get old, and grace never goes out of style.”

How lovely is that, especially coming from my son! Being ageless is a reflection of the way you carry yourself. Being positive and loving is the way to achieve this state of grace. It too is a matter of perspective.

These are simple thoughts that convey a wonderful message that helps us move past our obsession with youth. Growing older is a gift, an honor that carries some responsibility to serve as a role model for the next generation. You’ll be so much happier if you can approach it with a matter-of-fact perspective. Of course, I’m getting older. We all are. It’s not something to hide or deny. Accept it and enjoy the benefits of your wisdom and experience that are embedded in all you do.

If you’d like to find the perspective that allows you to know that your age is just a number. Reach out. Discover how your life can bring more joy and satisfaction. Go to www.spectrumtransformation and use my Fee Consultation link to find me. I’d love to hear from you!




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