Taking time for yourself may seem counterintuitive this time of year, but in truth, it is probably what you need most. Check in with yourself and see if this is true.
All around me people are very busy. There is shopping, parties, decorating, and a push to complete those end-of-year tasks. There is a strain to all this that is not the cheer we are supposed to be experiencing. Most people just plow through it and do their best. But I want to suggest that there is a better way.
See if these ideas appeal to you.
There is a noise to the holidays that becomes jarring and irritating in high doses. There is really only one antidote – it is silence. I am shocked at how few people make that choice. If you pay attention, you will notice the stores, TV, and all forms of social media are talking to you nonstop, singing, and overloading your senses. Don’t you want to yell stop?
A simple remedy is to go silent. Put your phone on vibrate, and stop listening to all the ads and videos that are calling for your attention. Yes, that means no Instagram, tik tok, all of it. Do not watch TV, except for what is really important, or turn on movies. Skip the ads on your computer, and turn off Alexa and your car radio. See how it feels. If you are like me, it will soon be your preference.
Once you have a little alone time, it becomes much easier to check in with yourself. What is important? I have been writing about how to make the holidays more meaningful, but I focused on ways to think differently and give to others. This is about going inside.
What about exploring something deeper in your heart? Explore what it would mean to be more real, more loving, more engaged, more relaxed, or more connected. Those are the things that come to my mind. Try saying and doing what is important to you.
The nonstop going takes a toll. The pandemic is still taking a toll. Most everyone I know is tired, if not exhausted, yet they aren’t slowing down. Can you give yourself permission to tune into your body and check out what you need?
Giving yourself permission to rest and recharge can take many forms. Lee is a big fan of naps and takes them regularly. I prefer silence and nature, a long meditation, walking outside, or relaxing with a cup of tea. You can always go to bed earlier too. Your list of what works will likely be different. The key is to allow yourself to do what you need.
When things are frenzied, try taking a little time for yourself.
There are things you can do. Try giving yourself more silence, you will be amazed at the difference it makes. Ask yourself what is important and then give yourself that. Allow yourself to rest and rejuvenate. You will likely find, as I have, that it is just what you needed.
Allowing yourself to meet your own needs is important. If you would like to explore this more, my Transformational Coaching and Therapy can help. Go to www.spectrumtransformation.com and use my Free Consultation link to reach me. I’d be happy to hear from you.