Does it cross your mind that you would like to make a course change? I know and have worked with many people who have come to a place where it seems imperative that they make a course correction – even at midlife or later. It can be a hard decision, but one that brings great […]
“Take a Sad Song and Make It Better”
I heard this sad, exquisitely beautiful refrain waft up from Lee’s piano. It stopped me in my tracks, as is often the case when I hear him compose something new. The lyrics, “Take a sad song and make it better’ (Hey Jude, The Beatles) came to mind. With thoughts racing, I realized that this is […]
What Is Needed To Give It Your BEST
I have watched my husband give his best over the year of lockdown. He was determined to write new music and that he did – with over 35 songs composed and over 24 recorded. They are his future. It has been a mighty labor of love, and while working from home, I’ve listened to it […]
Your Purpose Fills Someone’s Need – Your Need is Someone’s Purpose
Your purpose and someone’s needs create an intersection that are mutually self-fulfilling. This may seem obvious, but it came to me like an epiphany whiling visiting a friend in the hospital. It is a two-way relationship between need and someone’s purpose. This perspective surfaced while talking to my friend, who’s uncomfortable being taken care of […]
Maybe We Just Need A Little More Kindness
Kindness emerged as a theme from our trip to Puerto Rico. We saw kindness everywhere, like an undercurrent that helps define a culture, something I love to notice when traveling. Given PR is a US territory , I made an assumption that they might resent the lack of political representation and financial benefits to being […]
When To Declare “I NEED A BREAK”
When To Declare – “I NEED A BREAK” The need for a break was like hitting a wall about a month ago. I felt something snapped inside. Thankfully as soon as plans were made, the tension subsided, and forward motion began again. But, what was this? We will have arrived in Puerto Rico when you […]
Social Reentry – What Have You Learned?
Social events are finally happening, and it has been a joyous reentry for me. But not everyone is having the same reaction. Those who are more introverted are feeling the hesitation to rejoin the mix, while others are going all in. If you stop and notice, there are lessons from our time of restricted interactions. […]
What’s Blocking Your Greatness – And What To Do About It
Stepping into your greatness has come up in conversation with several clients and friends. If you want something great to happen in your life,you have to be clear and intentional about it and address what blocks you. We all have issues that can derail us – it’s how you face them that makes the difference. […]
“I Am So Lucky” – Wait, It’s More Than Luck
How often do you think, I am so lucky? I found myself thinking that today and immediately realized it actually has nothing to do with luck. Everything I have is the result of very clear and calculated choices. Over my birthday weekend, I had such an outpouring of loving notes, flowers, calls and a lovely […]
How To Be Resilient
It’s inspiring to watch friends be resilient while handling really difficult situations. Lately there’s been a lot to notice. A BFF has been terribly sick with a difficult recovery that she’s handling with grace. Another friend’s son Oded, surviving thankfully, but it’s not the first time. Yet another is worried about her daughter’s stability. They […]