Tag: mindfulness

Things To Consider In The Final Phase Of Manifestation

Things To Consider In The Final Phase Of Manifestation

This final phase of manifestation has been over two years in the making. It involved several trips to Senegal during the pandemic. It involved countless hours upon hours of work for Lee and more than I can count for me in these final months. There is no letting up, we will debut this part of […]

Cultivating the Insight and Motivation to Change

Cultivating the Insight and Motivation to Change

Change is something many people say they want but find a multitude of reasons to avoid. Instead, they wait until things get to the breaking point or the point of no return before taking needed action. There is another way. I am working with many people who have explored and implemented a dramatic change process. […]

Needed Now – Advocacy for Your Best Interests

Needed Now – Advocacy for Your Best Interests

There is a fight ahead for us and advocacy is needed in your best interests. I didn’t fully appreciate that I was living in a time of liberal thinking that could all be taken away so easily and systematically. Now I recognize that “conservative values” is just code language for greed, power, and control. This […]

The Importance of Developing Your Third Eye

The Importance of Developing Your Third Eye

The third eye seeing is different and increasingly important right now. It’s the ability to see from your wisdom center, your intuition, your higher consciousness. Why is it important and how do you develop this ability yourself? I was thrilled to recently read Richard Rhor’s meditation on third eye seeing. He talked about the difference between […]

How To Change A Habit

How To Change A Habit

Changing a habit has been something all of us have faced at one point or another. Whether it’s eating habits, drinking, exercising, procrastinating, staying up late, being late, driving too fast, hoarding, smoking, or something else, there is always room for improvement. You’ve probably addressed your favorite with varying degrees of success. So, how can you […]

6 Signs You Are Standing In Your Power And How To Get There

6 Signs You Are Standing In Your Power And How To Get There

The term “standing in your power” is said a lot, but what does it really mean? Is it something you have control over and can make happen, or is it something others can see in you? Yes, yes, yes, and here is how you get there! Having spent most of my career getting to a […]

5 Ways To Make Positive Intentions Work

5 Ways To Make Positive Intentions Work

We all have positive intentions but getting them to fruition is not guaranteed. The book, The Power of Positive Thinking, the classic by Norman Vincent Peale, published in 1952, generated a new wave of thought in psychology and management. From it, we learned that positive thoughts are more likely to generate positive results. Since then, countless books and […]