Alignment came to mind when I saw the glow of the ice on each tree branch sparkling like diamonds in the sun. There is no way my camera could catch the brilliance or wonder. It resonated with what I’m writing about in my book on The Abundant Life (working title, so far). We create our […]
How To Launch Something Big
Watching friends launch something big has been awe inspiring. Especially since I am at the beginning stages of it myself. What has been apparent is there are specific steps and when you are on the right track, it all comes to you with relative ease. My friend, Dr. Kinga Mnich, has a big dream of […]
The Conditions of Happiness – from Thich Nhat Hanh
Lessons on finding happiness, through mindfulness, is the core of Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings touched on in his 100s of publications. Saddened by his death, I wanted to honor his legacy, bringing the wisdom of mindfulness to the Western world through his simple graceful teachings as a Zen Buddhist master. I was right there, as […]
Before It’s Too Late…
The thought, I waited too late, is haunting me. My dear friend of almost 40 years died and all the things I wish I had said or done are coming up. It’s set up a spiral of thoughts. Between Lee and I, we have lost half a dozen friends in the last year. It’s become […]
Winter Invites Us To Raise Our Light – And Give A Little Love
Raising your light when it’s dark and cold is important, I need it and so do others. The winter doldrums are real. We have been snowed in, the days are short, our social lives are curtailed, and the rapidly spreading variant is making us extra cautious. Everyone needs a little love. The pandemic is taking […]
It’s The New Year – How About Following Your Joy!
Are you making plans for the New Year? Take the opportunity to consider what you want, but please don’t go so hard on yourself. Maybe it’s the year to do something different – like following your joy! In my typical New Year ritual of reviewing the year past and considering where to focus my intentions […]
A Little Lesson On Self-Soothing – With 8 Short Tips
Why would self-soothing be needed after the holidays? They are over, shouldn’t you be able to relax now? I wondered, as I watched people around me unable to switch off the tension. I noticed they immediately went to the next worrisome thing on their list. Here’s what happens. Once in a state of mind to […]
Finding Meaning Within The Bustle And Noise
Finding Meaning Within The Bustle And Noise Finding meaning in the middle of all the busy, hustle bustle and noise of the season is a challenge, but one that brings sweet reward. The more I look for it, the more I find and the sweeter it becomes. So, if you are like me, there are […]
Do You Need To Break Out Of Your Reality Bubble?
My husband and I were super excited to receive a note from a friend saying that one of Lee’s songs was trending on the top of Spotify. Lee checked his account, and it said the same thing. Woohoo! That is until we realized that it was only because our friend listens to his music regularly, […]
Maybe Our Relationships Are What Really Count in Life?
If we made relationships more of a prioritiy in our life what would happen? My holiday experience made me consider this. I think it’d make us more respectful, giving, loving, better business leaders and support different priorities. See what you think!