Tag: transformational coaching

On Creating A Standard Of Excellence

On Creating A Standard Of Excellence

A standard of excellence is something you develop – it doesn’t just happen. It takes experience, vision, discipline, a clear decision that it is important, and most of all, alignment with who you are. These thoughts about excellence came after watching creative musicians and singers perform who have spent years refining their talent. They were […]



Change is all around us with the beginning of fall. Even before the leaves change here in Kentucky, we are being reminded of pumpkins, ripe apples in the orchard, and the ramping up of seasonal events way before their time. It has traditionally been a time of big change for me too, from starting new […]

Brainwash Defense – Be Responsible For Your Mind

Brainwash Defense – Be Responsible For Your Mind

We are all targets for brainwashing – and if you back up far enough you can watch it come at you. From the political sound waves from both sides and the relentless advertising designed to target your preferences, to the forces of social media trying to shape our desires, we are inundated. The only defense […]

Expressions Of Joy

Expressions Of Joy

The international music event Lee has been working on for two years finally came to fruition this week– and it was joyous! It was a testament that when you put your heart and soul into something it can be returned in kind. It was a lot of work, it was complex, and it involved musicians […]

Things To Consider In The Final Phase Of Manifestation

Things To Consider In The Final Phase Of Manifestation

This final phase of manifestation has been over two years in the making. It involved several trips to Senegal during the pandemic. It involved countless hours upon hours of work for Lee and more than I can count for me in these final months. There is no letting up, we will debut this part of […]